RYS 046: Gratitude is the Way to the Happiest Life

In this Episode:


In 2001 I lost almost everything. That is when I learned there is much to gain from loss because in the process of losing almost everything I found an attitude of overwhelming gratitude.

• Being grateful for all we have is a way of walking through life.
• Joy and fulfillment are a result of gratitude.
• Researches are discovering our physical and mental health are now also being tied to our thankfulness.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

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Hard Decisions Lead to an Easier Life

hard-decisions-easy-lifeMany years ago, I dated an alcoholic. I did not recognize the condition in the beginning, but over time it became clear as the incidents of intoxication began to add up. After each occurrence there was an apology, a request for forgiveness, and a promise it would not happen again. No matter how much I wanted the drinking to stop, it did not. No matter how much I prayed for follow-through on the promise to seek help, there was none. For too long I chose to believe what was promised, rather than accepting the repeated actions as proof of what was actually true.

For a long time I believed I was stuck with the choices I made. No matter how bad the mistreatment I just couldn’t leave the person I’d promised to stay with. Yet one day I realized that remaining loyal to someone who thought it was okay to hurt the one they said they loved was actually allowing myself to be abused. I did not create a better life by thinking I was stuck. In fact, the resentment and anger I felt was growing bigger with each passing day. That is when I chose to let go, to leave, to release us both from the constant arguments, blame, and disappointment.

Whether it is a friendship, primary or work relationship you are not stuck with the decisions you make.  You do, however, have the responsibility to be honest with yourself about the reality of your current situation. You also are responsible to learn as much as you can from the choices you make that you now wish were different.

At one time, I worked for a shady organization. I caught my boss stealing money from a fundraising event I designed but he took credit for. He was also accused of sexually assaulting a fellow employee, plus a variety of other offenses. Management refused to address the issues because the higher-ups were guilty of the same things.

Each day it became more difficult for me to go to work. My heart actually hurt when I walked into the office. One day I could not stand it anymore. No matter how much I needed the money, I refused to sell myself short any longer. The moment I decided to quit, some wonderfully positive energy seemed to align itself with me. Yes, it was a hard decision but it lead to an easier life. Within a month, a great position working with good people came along. The energy I put out attracted similar energy.

From experience I can promise you, one of the best ways to avoid problems and make life easier is to learn to trust and act upon the protective wise whispers of your heart. It is not fearful but confident, not angry but calm, not confused but sure, not stressful but peaceful. Your intuitive information is always supportive and positive like the truthful guidance of a wise and trusted friend. It will guide you in making the hard decision so life becomes easier.

RYS 048: How to Help Protect Your Heart (podcast) http://romancingyoursoul.com/rys-048

You Are Who You Hang With [Video]

RYS 045: Be the Little Engine That Can

In this Episode:


My mother read the story of The Little Engine that Could to me when I was a young child. Somewhere deep inside my heart, my soul, the story stuck with me to be remembered later in life when I most needed to believe in myself.

• Deep within you is a determination to overcome any challenge.
• When you believe in yourself you are unstoppable.
• There is no hill you cannot climb, no challenge you cannot overcome, no negative habit you cannot change when you see yourself as the little blue engine that believes – I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN!


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

To receive a FREE chapter of my book “Lead With Your Heart”. Fill in your name and email under…Join Our Heart Family and Receive a FREE Gift! Click HERE.


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RYS 44: Do Better Because You Know Better

In this Episode:


Dr. Maya Angelou’s “when you know better you do better,” is simple and brilliant wisdom for how you and I can create the best life in the least stress-free manner possible. She imparted to us the importance of choice and caring how our behavior feels in creating our lives with purpose.

• No matter how anyone else chooses to behave you have the choice to be the example of what true strength of character looks like.
• Whatever negative behavior someone brings to a situation take a deep breath, count to five and bring the opposite positive behavior.
• Refusing to stoop to the negative behavior of others is putting into action the power you have of knowing better to do better.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

To receive a FREE chapter of my book “Lead With Your Heart”. Fill in your name and email under…Join Our Heart Family and Receive a FREE Gift! Click HERE.


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Presence is Peace, Power, and Purpose

Senior mother and daughter having fun

The relationships we have are the most important and fulfilling aspect of life. We cannot create good relationships with others if we are not present with them.  We can be physically present but emotionally disconnected, distracted with other things.  People know when we are not listening to them.  They know when we are distracted.

To stay present requires developing the peace and purpose that comes from controlling what we allow to distract us from what is happening in the moment. We turn off the cell phone when sitting across the table from family and friends and immerse ourselves fully in the conversation at hand. When the people in our lives want to share how their day was, we turn off the television. We place more value on listening attentively and fully acknowledging their joy and excitement.

Life is now, this moment.  I cannot tell you how much life has improved by keeping myself present in the now.  Work on keeping your mind focused on what is happening in the now moment.  Begin with the conversations you have. As you speak, hear your words in your head and in your heart. When listening to others, hear their words in your head and in your heart. Allow someone to finish speaking before you jump in so you do not interrupt them or make them feel cut off. Listen to others with a quiet mind, without thinking about a response. Your relationships will immediately improve when you stay emotionally present in the now.

RYS 43: The Responsibility You Have for the Happiness of Others

In this Episode:


We’ve all heard happiness comes from within. Someone else cannot make us happy. We must create our own happiness. We are not responsible for another person’s behavior, only for how we behave in response. And, there is another side to the personal happiness coin that needs a lot more press.

• You are not the only one responsible for your happiness.
• Other people play a role too, because actions send energy outward.
• Each of us must care about the wake our behavior leaves.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

To receive a FREE chapter of my book “Lead With Your Heart”. Fill in your name and email under…Join Our Heart Family and Receive a FREE Gift! Click HERE.


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Your Thoughts Create Your Behavior

Mind-of-its-OwnDo you know your mind has a mind of its own?  We’ll it does.  Your thoughts create your behavior. So if life is not going well, if you are frustrated, having a bad relationship, are stressed to the max, then to change your life you must change your thinking.

To change your thinking requires mastering your mind that has a mind of its own. To master your mind slow down. Intentionally concentrate on what you are thinking when you are thinking it. Stay connected to and responsible for what you are thinking and why?

Are your thoughts negative?  Do your thoughts limit you? Does your mind feed you a constant stream of negative judgments about yourself and other people?

When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, stop and dissect them.  Why in the world would you want to believe thoughts such as, “The world is going to hell in a hand basket.  People are out to get me.  Everyone is corrupt, rude and unkind.  I can’t trust anyone or depend on anyone because people are only out for themselves.”  Yes, there are some bad people who do bad things but the vast majority of people are not bad. So blanket negative thoughts are not truth.

Instead of just allowing your mind to think negative, uncomfortable thoughts, look for the truth rather than buying into gossip, opinion or the fear of others and what you are exposed to in the media.  Soon you will realize there are many good people doing good things, people can be trusted and most people really are generous and kind.

Confront each and every limiting thought. Remember what you concentrate on becomes your world.  Look for the positive in life, in yourself and in other people.  Seeking the positive will give your mind new things to think about because when you change your thinking you will change your life.


RYS 42: Your Life, Your legacy, Your Choice

In this Episode:


Are you proud of the life you are creating? Are you remembered well by the people in your life? Do you remember yourself well when the last thoughts filter through before you go to sleep?

• This is your life and the legacy you leave is your choice.
• It is never too late to change course.
• The actions you take and the words you speak are proof of who you really are.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

To receive a FREE chapter of my book “Lead With Your Heart”. Fill in your name and email under…Join Our Heart Family and Receive a FREE Gift! Click HERE.


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RYS 41: Change Yourself to Change Your World

In this Episode:


Have you ever wished you had a magic wand? You could wave that magical stick, people would change, and at last your life would be happier, flow easier, and everything would be okay. I grew up on fairy tales. Deep down I always knew magic wands were not real but I stubbornly clung to the idea if I just screamed loud enough, harped long enough, complained long enough, people would change and my life would suddenly be magical.

• We are the only person who can make changes to ourselves.
• When we change ourselves our attitude changes.
• Our changing is what changes our lives, relationships and circumstances.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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If you haven’t left a review I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a minute to leave a rating and review of my podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below! It’s extremely helpful for the show and getting my positive words out worldwide.

As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

To receive a FREE chapter of my book “Lead With Your Heart”. Fill in your name and email under…Join Our Heart Family and Receive a FREE Gift! Click HERE.


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A Drama-Rama Life is not Entertaining

Life is going to suck at times. Life is going to provide lots of drama. There is much negative going on in the world. But when we only focus on the negative, the drama-rama of life, we find ourselves in the middle of a bleak existence where we feel powerless, depressed, and victimized. And we wonder why. Because of what we’re letting in to influence us.

Someone I know became addicted to television court dramas—so much so she experienced frequent panic attacks and no longer found value in her daily life. Her relationships suffered, and she gained a tremendous amount of weight from eating while glued to the endless spectacle as it unfolded daily over the television.

We have to keep in the forefront of our consciousness, what we concentrate on we create. What we allow in does influence our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Just like Earth is constantly being hit by cosmic radiation you and I are constantly being hit too by endless advertisements, news programs, commentary, billboards, radio shows, pessimistic people, and websites designed to capture our attention and influence us. Much of our exposure is negative or opinionated, condones reckless behavior, or promotes the pursuit of meaningless goals. Don’t forget advertisers are selling you something.  They will use fear, lies, sex and all sorts of things to intimidate or seduce you into purchasing what they are selling.

There is a saying, “We are what we eat.” What we feed our body can nurture us. Or, eating without awareness can set us up for illness, excess weight gain, and stress. The same is true for what we feed our mind and heart.Care about what you allow into your mind and heart because a little bit of drama comes with being alive but a life filled with drama will never be that entertaining.