Learn how to face challenges in your relationships, both with yourself and others.

The relationships we have can provide us great satisfaction and joy. And there will be challenges even in the best of relationships. We can only be half of the relationship we have with other people. Our goal in any relationship we have is to be our best half. We are our best in relationship by changing, healing, and being responsible for ourselves.

Being Fulfilled

Fulfillment with life comes from creating deep, lasting relationships. To do so requires keeping ourselves present in the moment, to fully be with other people without distraction. My 8-page guide helps open your heart to three truths:

  • Contentment is one outcome of accepting that multitasking doesn’t work.
  • Fulfillment comes from learning to manage life’s distractions.
  • Satisfaction and joy come from staying present in the now.

How to Uncover Who You Are and What You Want

Do you compare yourself to others, or compete with them? Do you need other people to tell you you are successful before you believe you are? Do you attempt to fit into the box other people want you to? My 27-page course and workbook will help you appreciate the following:

  • You are meant to live an authentic life.
  • Self-love and respect come from being true to yourself.
  • Healthy competition is good for your soul.
  • You define success for yourself.

How to Forgive Other People and Yourself

No matter how much you may want someone to take back or own up to the harm they caused you, they cannot change the past, just as you cannot take back anything you have done to hurt yourself or others. My 21-page course and workbook will help you:

  • Understand what it means to forgive.
  • Release what you believe “should” have occurred.
  • Create a resentment-free future.

Four Ways to Avoid Disappointment and Frustration in Relationships

Conflict arises in relationships when one person’s perception of what is acceptable behavior does not match the other’s. Having shared moral values is paramount to creating the behavior that results in healthy relationships. My 27-page course and workbook will help you:

  • Know your emotional strengths and weaknesses.
  • Accept that you cannot change anyone but yourself.
  • Remain true to yourself while in a relationship with others.
  • Realize it is healthy to say “No.”

Why Ego-Boxing Keeps You Unhappy

“Ego-boxing” means stooping to the rude and self-centered behavior of another.  When we ego-box, we give our power away to the person whose negative behavior made us angry, defensive, or frustrated. We don’t like or respect ourselves when we give our power away. My 26-page guide and workbook will help you learn how to do the following:

  • Respond with your heart rather than react with your ego.
  • Express anger in healthy ways.
  • Let go of the idea that people should know better and do better.
  • Assume responsibility for your actions.

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