Our Support Makes a Difference

By helping youIn eighth grade I had an angel who helped me get through a challenging time in life. I knew I was gay and there was no one to talk to, no one to confide in. I was all alone with a secret I could not even take to God since I was taught God hated me for being gay.

Mrs. Dubose was my gym teacher. She was kind. She looked out for me and always asked how I was. She genuinely cared about whatever I was going through without knowing what I was going through. While I did not share the inner turmoil I lived with, her kindness was exactly what I needed to keep going.

We never know what other people are going through. And, we don’t have to know. By being kind we let someone know they are not alone. Someone sees them, someone cares and that powerful act of love is often exactly what they need to help get them through another day.