Patience is Purpose

Today was a huge challenge.  I was hit from all directions with deadlines, emails, demands on my time and attention. I also faced the unpleasant but necessary task of initiating clear communication with a key member of my team.

I do not believe it is realistic to think our best life must be stress free or our relationships without miscommunication and challenge.  I do believe it is possible to remain balanced and calm when dealing with stress.

Yes, it took a lot of practice for me to stop reacting and start responding.  I purposefully had to teach myself to remain aware of my emotions so now at the first signs of stress I stop, take a few deep breaths, and allow time for me to calm down. Taking time to bring myself back to center allows me to respond in the best way possible and at the right time.

When you feel overwhelmed, stressed, angry, or face a tough relationship situation STOP, take a deep breath, and think before you speak. Think before you reply to an email or text.  Pull your emotions back and respond from a thoughtful and respectful place rather than react from wounded ego or personal pride.